This map shows the most recent (1980-present) bird sightings all over the
Philippines (currently 630 records of 72 bird species). Each record is classified according to
species name, common english name and its IUCN category (annotation symbols
includes circles for critically endangered, triangles for endangered, and squares for vulnerable & data deficient
species). A link is provided to view additional information available from the Birdlife International's Red Data Book:
Threatened Birds of Asia ( Locational information is also provided by
Birdlife International.
The map is a satellite image composite of a
high resolution global image mosaic of the earth, produced from more than 8200 individual Landsat7
scenes provided by the OnEarth Landsat Web Mapping Service of
The images have been collected during 1999-2003. The highest resolution image has a ground relative resolution of 15 meters, or 50
foot. The toolbar allows you to zoom in/out of the map. You can pan the zoomed map by
either using the arrow keys or by a simple click and drag.
Philippine Bird Links
Beautiful pictures of Philippine birds by Romy Ocon; BirdLife International; Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines; Haribon Foundation; IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; Endemic Endangered Species of the Philippines; Wild Bird Club of the Philippines; DENR-PAWB; Vanishing Treasures of the Philippine Rainforest
Created by: maning sambale < >, since 09/30/2005 updated last 10/12/2005 . For comments, suggestions & updates contact maning, Sign Guestbook. View Guestbook.